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Convocation 2020

20-23 February 2020
Doubletree Hilton       Dearborn, Mi

I will be presenting the following workshop Friday, February 21st at 9 am.

Hope to see you there.

The Liminal Space 


Two Opposing Forces

We will explore the mechanisms that mediate between antitheses and transformation. In the liminal space between two opposing forces there emerges a third, something new and often unexpected. The paradoxical nature of liminality is that within it, the death of the old coexist with the birth of the new and within that is pure possibility. This class will be informative, practical and experiential.


She Who Breathes The Throat


This is a representation of a being who introduced themself to me as She Who Breathes The Throat. She has worked with Light Haven for over a decade. This image was created as a focus for group use during workshop and conference classes.

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