Light Haven offers opportunities for new as well as advanced practitioners of the magickal arts and students of the Western Mystery Tradition. Teachings include the Hermetic traditions, Egyptian Mysteries and Qabala. Our mysticism arises out of contact and communication with strong inner-level Teachers, guided by our Magus, Aeptha.
Aeptha is a teacher, ceremonialist and cosmic mediator who has been a practitioner in esoteric disciplines since the mid-1980s. In ancient Tibet "Aeptha" meant “She who loves the Sun”. Aeptha’s name was bestowed upon her by her late Master Teacher Shakmah Winddrum. Shakmah initiated Aeptha into the Solomonic tradition, teaching her both Western and African traditions in Philadephia for over seventeen years until Shakmah’s passing.
Aeptha taught and initiated for twenty-five years at Light Haven, a contacted mystery school in North Carolina. Her current work includes being the Magus of a Magickal Lodge, teaching, consulting and counseling. She brings into her work a unique and powerful mixture of esoteric knowledge, ecstatic ceremony, and inner level contact.
Aeptha has taught at conferences that include Between the Worlds, Sacred Space, ConVocation, PantheaCon and Paganicon. She has a B.A in Sociology and a Masters in Human Development and Learning. She lives with her beloved husband Eushahn tucked away in the mountains of Hendersonville, N.C.